This whole travel around thing is exhausting. I had my first doctor's appointment this morning. I was awake the whole time. The scale is kind of cold on my bum. I pooed 3 times in under 2 hours. A new record for me! Everything's fine by the way, thanks for asking.
Then we drove over to Grandma Mary's

Then we went to Aunt Kubber's (Kendra) school. She teaches 5th grade. Her students tickled my toes and I got to tour another school. I slept through the whole thing though.
After hopping back in my car seat we checked out mom's work. Some of those kids are only a little bigger than me! I was introduced to Ivy who's been wanting to meet me for a long time. Shout out Ivy! But . . . I slept through the whole thing there too.
So after all this you can imagine that I was tired. Nap Time!
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