Tock.... one month closer to being a big girl. I am getting really tall and weigh 20 pounds and 14 ounces. I am getting really fast at crawling, and am pretty good at
cruising (that means walking along the sofa etc while holding on). I have gotten really quick at climbing up stairs, and am learning how to go back down backwards. I like to stand on my tip toes and look out of the windows. When I hear kids playing outside, I really want to go and join them. I can't wait until I can run and play with the big kids.
My favorite foods are strawberries,
watermelon, baby cheesy poofs, mac and cheese and p
opsicles. Some of my favorite things are playing outside, my stuffed animals, splashing in the water bowl, climbing on
Diggity Dog and sticking my fingers in her mouth. I love to give hugs and kisses, and will withhold them just to tease someone. Words I say that other people can understand Mama, Dada, Dig Dog, More, and Hi. I can point, clap my hands, and wave.
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