My first trip to the Mall. There were stores for everything! Mommy and Aunt Dode took me to the mall in Topeka and I met all sorts of people.
I saw the coolest outfit at Hot Topic. It was a roller derby

I got my Christmas dress today. It was the only clean thing I had left after the diaper and puking "firsts" from above.
A day of firsts: First time in a mall, first time at Olive Garden, first diaper blow out, first time projectile throwing up in a retail store, and most important of all . . . The first Santa Claus meeting.
So apparently this guy comes in my chimney and leaves gifts for me. We'll see. I'm a skeptic at heart but I guess if Mommy says it's true then it must be. I wonder what he'll bring me.
I sat in his lap and he was very nice to me. I had the hiccups and stuck my tongue out at him.
So it's like 9pm and I'm full and pooped (tired and the other kind), so it's time for bed. 'Night!

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