This is what I wore to work yesterday. I've been going in to Drop Zone with mommy. It's nice. I get to hang out with different people and see new things. Ken makes scary noises at me and I just laugh. Reagan oohs and ahhs and tells me I'm pretty. I like Reagan. I'm not scared of paintball guns firing at all. I heard a bunch of them and didn't even flinch. And that CO2 filler thingy that's loud and scary? Yeah, not scared. I can't wait for future Halloweens. I'll be the one out in the dark woods at the Brickell's trying to scare the other kids 'cause I'm super brave. Maybe I just need my hearing checked. Oh wait, I already had that done at the hospital. I must be brave. So about my outfit . . Check out my pink camo kicks. Cool huh. Mommy got them for me. Grandma came by last night and checked them out. The first thing she looked at was the sole to see if I had worn them out yet. Ummm no. In fact I don't think the sole has even touched the ground yet. As much as I like these shoes I have an uncanny ability to kick out of shoes or socks in under 10 seconds. Especially if daddy's around. I like to confuse him. He'll pick me up with my shoes and socks on and then I'll kick out of them really fast and the next time he looks they're gone.

Aunt Dot has been wanting a more traditional family picture that is a full length shot of the family. Notice how many old (black and white) pictures are full length and not so much today? So this one's for her. We went to Sears and tried to have them do it but they're not really set up for shots like that. Their rooms and backgrounds are small and the cameras don't go up high. They did get some good pics though.

Like I said earlier. Grandma dropped by! Grandpa is in San Francisco visiting with Adrienne and the boys and Lillian. I haven't even met that side of the family yet. I can't wait but it'll probably be this summer before I get to see them. So until then here's a quick shout out to my Aunts Lillian and Adrienne and Adrienne's kids (my cousins) Oliver and Elliot. Have fun with Grandpa this weekend!
So I said I was up early and in a good mood but I still haven't told you why. Well mommy had this idea to put me to sleep in my swing. I haven't been a big swing fan yet but it's really growing on me. Or I'm growing in it? Anywho . . . So I fall asleep in this swing and I sleep. Hard. Long. Sleep. For like 4-5 hours. And when I'm doing that mommy and daddy sleep too. They wake up refreshed and I wake up starving, but after a quick meal I'm happy! And so now it's 5am and I'm up and happy!
Now dad is a bit concerned about this swing thing. He thinks it might turn my brain to mush. I told him not to worry. It's not really swinging me hard and it turns off by itself too. I know that I'll have to transition back to my bassinet but for now this is a nice crutch to help me get some well deserved rest.
All this typing did kind of wear me out so I'm going to go back to bed now for a few more hours. I need to come up with a signature sign off. I watched Anchorman the other night.
So . . . from my keys to your screen this is Rocket Girl. G'Night!
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